On each day, the conference program starts at 09:00 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time = GMT - 04:00), which corresponds to 21:00 in China (GMT+08:00), 18:30 in India (GMT+05:30), and 15:00 in Spain (GMT+02:00).
(L) in front of a paper title refers to 20mins presentation time
(15mins talk + 5mins Q&A)
(S) in front of a paper title refers to 12mins presentation time
(10mins talk + 2mins Q&A)
(SSI) in front of a special session talk title refers to 20mins presentation time
(15mins talk + 5mins Q&A)
(SSII) in front of a special session talk title refers to 20mins presentation time
(18mins talk + 2mins Q&A)
Thursday - October 14, 2021 (Technology and Emerging topics) |
Time (EDT) | Activity |
9:00 - 9:10 | Opening Remarks |
9:10 - 10:10 |
Keynote I: "Ultra-energy efficient, multi-terabit photonic
connectivity for disaggregated computing"
Speaker: Keren Bergman (Columbia University) Chair: Sergi Abadal (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) |
10:10 - 10:55 |
Regular Session I: "NoCs for DNN accelerators" Chair: Ryan G. Kim (Colorado State University) |
(L) A Novel Network Fabric for Efficient Spatio-Temporal Reduction in Flexible
DNN Accelerators
(S) Analysis of on-chip communication properties in accelerator architectures
for Deep Neural Networks
(S) NewroMap: Mapping CNNs to NoC-interconnected Self-Contained Data-Flow
Accelerators for Edge-AI
10:55 - 11:00 | BREAK |
11:00 - 11:45 |
Regular Session II: "Security and NoC routing" Chair: Salvatore Monteleone (Niccoló Cusano University) |
(L) Packet Header Attack by Hardware Trojan in NoC based TCMP and its
Impact Analysis
(S) Securing Network-on-Chips via Novel Anonymous Routing
(S) Denial-of-Service Attack Detection using Machine Learning in Network-on-Chip
11:45 - 13:15 |
Special Session I: "Towards scalable multi-core
quantum computing architectures: Quantum Networks-On-Chip at rescue"
Chairs: Eduard Alarcón (Technical University of Catalonia) and Carmen G. Almudéver (Technical University of Valencia) |
(SSI) The challenges of scalable quantum computing systems
(SSI) A premiere on quantum networks and quantum communication
(SSI) Data movement in conventional architectures and its impact on performance
(Panel) At the halfway of quantum compute and quantum communications: optimally
co-designing many-core quantum scalable full-stacks
Friday - October 15, 2021 (NoC Design and Systems) |
Time (EDT) | Activity |
9:00 - 10:00 |
Keynote II: "AMD Chiplet Technologies and Implications on
Interconnect Architectures"
Speaker: Gabriel (Gabe) Loh (AMD Research) Chair: Joshua San Miguel (University of Wisconsin-Madison) |
10:00 - 10:55 |
Regular Session III: "NoC design for modern systems" Chair: Ishan Thakkar (University of Kentucky) |
(L) PlugSMART: a pluggable open-source module to implement multihop bypass in
(S) DUB: Dynamic Underclocking and Bypassing in Network-on-Chip for
Heterogeneous GPU Workloads
(S) Worst-Case Latency Analysis for the Versal NoC Network Packet Switch
(S) Synthesis of Predictable Global NoC by Abutment in Synchoros VLSI Design
10:55 - 11:00 | BREAK |
11:00 - 11:40 |
Regular session IV: "Secure NoC-based systems" Chair: Mayank Parasar (Samsung) |
(L) Sentry-NoC: A Statically Scheduled NoC for Secure SoCs
(L) Multilayer NoC Firewall Services: Case-Study on E-Health
11:40 - 13:00 |
Special Session II: "Open Source On-Chip
Communication from Edge to Cloud: the PULP experience"
Chair: Davide Rossi (University of Bologna) |
(SSII) PULP: An Open-Source RISC-V Based Multi-Core Platform for In-Sensor Analytics
(SSII) An Open-Source Platform for High-Performance Non-Coherent On-Chip Communication
(SSII) HERO: A Heterogenous Research Platform to Explore HW/SW Codesign and RISC-V manycore
(SSII) Manticore as an NoC Case Study: A 4096 Chiplet-based Architecture for Ultra-Efficient
Floating-Point Computing
13:00 - 13:15 | Concluding Remarks and Best Paper Announcement |
Keynote Talks
Keynote I
Date: Thursday - October 14, 2021
Time: 9:10 - 10:10
Speaker: Keren Bergman (Columbia University)
Title: Ultra-energy efficient, multi-terabit photonic connectivity for
disaggregated computing
Chair: Sergi Abadal (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
High performance systems are increasingly bottlenecked by the energy and communications costs of
interconnection networks. Integrated silicon photonics with dense wavelength-division multiplexing
offer the opportunity of optical connectivity that directly delivers high off-chip communication
bandwidth densities with sub-pJ/b energy consumption. We will describe photonic link architectures
that realize multi-Terabit/s connectivity. We further introduce the concept of embedded photonics
for deeply disaggregated architectures. Beyond alleviating the bandwidth/energy bottlenecks, the new
architectural approach enables flexible connectivity tailored for specific applications.
Keren Bergman is the Charles Batchelor Professor of Electrical Engineering at Columbia University
where she also serves as the Faculty Director of the Columbia Nano Initiative. Bergman received the
B.S. from Bucknell University in 1988, and the M.S. in 1991 and Ph.D. in 1994 from M.I.T. all in
Electrical Engineering. At Columbia, Bergman leads the Lightwave Research Laboratory encompassing
multiple cross-disciplinary programs at the intersection of computing and photonics. Bergman serves
on the Leadership Council of the American Institute of Manufacturing (AIM) Photonics leading
projects that support the institute’s silicon photonics manufacturing capabilities and Datacom
applications. She is the recipient of the 2016 IEEE Photonics Engineering Award and is a Fellow of
the Optical Society of America (OSA) and IEEE.
Keynote II
Date: Thursday - October 15, 2021
Time: 9:00 - 10:00
Speaker: Gabriel (Gabe) Loh (AMD Research)
Title: AMD Chiplet Technologies and Implications on Interconnect Architectures
Chair: Joshua San Miguel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
For decades, Moore's Law has delivered the ability to integrate an exponentially increasing number
of devices in the same silicon area at a roughly constant cost. This has enabled tremendous levels
of integration, where the capabilities of computer systems that previously occupied entire rooms can
now fit on a single integrated circuit. In recent times, the steady drum beat of Moore's Law has
started to slow down. Whereas device density historically doubled every 18-24 months, the rate of
recent silicon process advancements has declined. While improvements in device scaling continue,
albeit at a reduced pace, the industry is simultaneously observing increases in manufacturing costs.
In response, the industry is now seeing a trend toward reversing direction on the traditional march
toward more integration. Instead, multiple industry and academic groups are advocating that systems
on chips (SoCs) be "disintegrated" into multiple smaller "chiplets." This talk provides an overview
of the technology challenges that motivated AMD to use chiplets, a sampling of interconnect-related
challenges faced and overcome along the way, and an exploration of interconnect implications of
chiplet-based designs going forward.
Gabe (he/him) is a Senior Fellow in AMD Research. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in computer science
from Yale University in 2002 and 1999, respectively, and his B.Eng. in electrical engineering from
the Cooper Union in 1998. Gabe was also a tenured associate professor in the College of Computing at
the Georgia Institute of Technology, a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research, and a senior
researcher at Intel Corporation. He is a Fellow of the ACM and IEEE, recipient of ACM SIGARCH's
Maurice Wilkes Award, Hall of Fame member for the MICRO, ISCA, and HPCA conferences, (co-)inventor
on over one hundred US patent applications and ninety granted patents, and a recipient of a U.S.
National Science Foundation CAREER Award.
Special Sessions
Special Session I
Date: Thursday - October 14, 2021
Time: 11:45 - 13:15
Title: Towards scalable multi-core quantum computing architectures: Quantum
Networks-On-Chip at rescue
Chairs: Eduard Alarcón (Technical University of Catalonia) and
Carmen G. Almudéver (Technical University of Valencia)
Format: Three talks and a panel
The field of quantum computing has experienced a remarkable progress in the last years with the
development of intermediate-scale quantum processors. Despite its tremendous potential, it is still
unclear how quantum computing systems will scale-up to satisfy the requirements of its most
powerful applications. At architectural level quantum multi-core architectures are a firm candidate
to unlock the scalability of quantum devices. Nevertheless, a key enabling aspect of these is the
development of quantum network on chips (NOCs) for the quantum-coherent communication links among
cores. To this purpose, in this workshop we are bringing in experts from the three required
disciplines to address this challenge namely: i) quantum computing architectures; ii) quantum
communications and networking; iii) state-of-the-art NOCs for conventional computers.
Special Session II
Date: Friday - October 15, 2021
Time: 11:40 - 13:00
Title: Open Source On-Chip Communication from Edge to Cloud: the PULP experience
Chair: Davide Rossi (University of Bologna)
Format: Four talks
High performance and extreme energy efficiency are growing requirements for wide class of
applications ranging from ultra-low power IoT end nodes to high performance computing. While
parallelism and heterogeneity are well established techniques to deal with these challenges in the
high-performance domain, an increasing amount of embedded systems are embracing the same approach
to deal with the increasing complexity of near-sensor analytics applications. However increasing the
number and capabilities of compute cores poses a high-pressure on the on-chip communication network,
which has to sustain the extreme bandwidth generated by multiple powerful engines. In this special
session we propose an open source ecosystem for building computing systems from edge to cloud. The
sessions starts with a presentation of the Parallel Ultra-Low-Power project, an open-source platform
for near-sensor processing, followed by the presentation of an open-source AXI4 infrastructure and
its exploitation heterogeneous application processors and HPC many-core system.